
BroadcastServiceProvider主要包含了Broadcast相关的五个驱动器、Broadcast事件、Broadcast 队列等方法,比较简单就不在解析了,今天主要说说怎么通过ably来驱动Broadcast的。具体使用可以查看上一篇文章的讲解。

之前了解过 Laravel 的ServiceProvider 的工作原理,所以我们就不用赘述太多这方面的流程了,我们主要看看BroadcastServiceProvider的注册方法:

class BroadcastServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider implements DeferrableProvider  
     * Register the service provider.     
     * @return void  
    public function register()  
        $this->app->singleton(BroadcastManager::class, fn ($app) => new BroadcastManager($app));  
        $this->app->singleton(BroadcasterContract::class, function ($app) {  
            return $app->make(BroadcastManager::class)->connection();  
            BroadcastManager::class, BroadcastingFactory::class  
     * Get the services provided by the provider.     
     * @return array  
    public function provides()  
        return [  

其中,我们先来看 BroadcastingFactoryBroadcasterContract

interface Factory  
     * Get a broadcaster implementation by name.     
     * @param  string|null  $name  
     * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting\Broadcaster  
    public function connection($name = null);  

不用怎么过代码,基本可以看出就是让系统通过 config 查找使用哪种 driver 来做广播分发,具体看代码:

protected function resolve($name)  
    $config = $this->getConfig($name);  
    if (is_null($config)) {  
        throw new InvalidArgumentException("Broadcast connection [{$name}] is not defined.");  
    if (isset($this->customCreators[$config['driver']])) {  
        return $this->callCustomCreator($config);  
    $driverMethod = 'create'.ucfirst($config['driver']).'Driver';  
    if (! method_exists($this, $driverMethod)) {  
        throw new InvalidArgumentException("Driver [{$config['driver']}] is not supported.");  
    return $this->{$driverMethod}($config);  

Laravel 大量使用这样的写法:'create'.ucfirst($config['driver']).'Driver',系统提供5个 drivers,那每一个都对应一个这种方法,如本文想看的就是:createAblyDriver

 * Create an instance of the driver. 
 * @param  array  $config  
 * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting\Broadcaster  
protected function createAblyDriver(array $config)  
    return new AblyBroadcaster($this->ably($config));  
 * Get an Ably instance for the given configuration. 
 * @param  array  $config  
 * @return \Ably\AblyRest  
public function ably(array $config)  
    return new AblyRest($config);  

回过头来,继续看另一个接口 Broadcaster:

interface Broadcaster  
     * Authenticate the incoming request for a given channel.     
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request  
     * @return mixed  
    public function auth($request);  
     * Return the valid authentication response.     
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request  
     * @param  mixed  $result  
     * @return mixed  
    public function validAuthenticationResponse($request, $result);  
     * Broadcast the given event.     
     * @param  array  $channels  
     * @param  string  $event  
     * @param  array  $payload  
     * @return void  
     * @throws \Illuminate\Broadcasting\BroadcastException  
    public function broadcast(array $channels, $event, array $payload = []);  

这里我们重点看 broadcast() 函数。其中我们的 5 个 drivers 都实现了这个方法


在 ably driver 实现这个函数的,正是上文的创建的对象:AblyBroadcaster,我们往深入查看,如何实现 broadcast

public function broadcast(array $channels, $event, array $payload = [])  
    try {  
        foreach ($this->formatChannels($channels) as $channel) {  
                $this->buildAblyMessage($event, $payload)  
    } catch (AblyException $e) {  
        throw new BroadcastException(  
            sprintf('Ably error: %s', $e->getMessage())  

这就好理解了,主要是遍历所有channels,然后每个channel 发布消息。

到此为止,基本其他的 drivers 也是这种逻辑,

其中,涵盖了 config 配置中的几个 drivers

'connections' => [  
    'pusher' => [  
        'driver' => 'pusher',  
        'key' => env('PUSHER_APP_KEY'),  
        'secret' => env('PUSHER_APP_SECRET'),  
        'app_id' => env('PUSHER_APP_ID'),  
        'options' => [  
            'host' => env('PUSHER_HOST') ?: 'api-'.env('PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER', 'mt1').'',  
            'port' => env('PUSHER_PORT', 443),  
            'scheme' => env('PUSHER_SCHEME', 'https'),  
            'encrypted' => true,  
            'useTLS' => env('PUSHER_SCHEME', 'https') === 'https',  
        'client_options' => [  
            // Guzzle client options:  
    'ably' => [  
        'driver' => 'ably',  
        'key' => env('ABLY_KEY'),  
    'redis' => [  
        'driver' => 'redis',  
        'connection' => 'default',  
    'log' => [  
        'driver' => 'log',  
    'null' => [  
        'driver' => 'null',  



if (! function_exists('broadcast')) {  
     * Begin broadcasting an event.     
     * @param  mixed|null  $event  
     * @return \Illuminate\Broadcasting\PendingBroadcast  
    function broadcast($event = null)  
        return app(BroadcastFactory::class)->event($event);  


public function event($event = null)  
    return new PendingBroadcast($this->app->make('events'), $event);  

今天的主角不是 EventsServiceProvider,但需要用到他的 dispatch方法:

 * Handle the object's destruction. 
 * @return void  
public function __destruct()  


public function dispatch($event, $payload = [], $halt = false)  
    // When the given "event" is actually an object we will assume it is an event  
    // object and use the class as the event name and this event itself as the    // payload to the handler, which makes object based events quite simple.    [$event, $payload] = $this->parseEventAndPayload(  
        $event, $payload  
    if ($this->shouldBroadcast($payload)) {  
    $responses = [];  
    foreach ($this->getListeners($event) as $listener) {  
        $response = $listener($event, $payload);  
        // If a response is returned from the listener and event halting is enabled  
        // we will just return this response, and not call the rest of the event        // listeners. Otherwise we will add the response on the response list.        if ($halt && ! is_null($response)) {  
            return $response;  
        // If a boolean false is returned from a listener, we will stop propagating  
        // the event to any further listeners down in the chain, else we keep on        // looping through the listeners and firing every one in our sequence.        if ($response === false) {  
        $responses[] = $response;  
    return $halt ? null : $responses;  


if ($this->shouldBroadcast($payload)) {  

protected function broadcastEvent($event)  

再一次回到了 BroadcastManager

public function queue($event)  
    if ($event instanceof ShouldBroadcastNow ||  
        (is_object($event) &&  
         method_exists($event, 'shouldBroadcastNow') &&  
         $event->shouldBroadcastNow())) {  
        return $this->app->make(BusDispatcherContract::class)->dispatchNow(new BroadcastEvent(clone $event));  
    $queue = null;  
    if (method_exists($event, 'broadcastQueue')) {  
        $queue = $event->broadcastQueue();  
    } elseif (isset($event->broadcastQueue)) {  
        $queue = $event->broadcastQueue;  
    } elseif (isset($event->queue)) {  
        $queue = $event->queue;  
    $broadcastEvent = new BroadcastEvent(clone $event);  
    if ($event instanceof ShouldBeUnique) {  
        $broadcastEvent = new UniqueBroadcastEvent(clone $event);  
        if ($this->mustBeUniqueAndCannotAcquireLock($broadcastEvent)) {  
        ->connection($event->connection ?? null)  
        ->pushOn($queue, $broadcastEvent);  

这里可以看出,如果我们创建的 Event 如果继承 ShouldBroadcastNow,或者写了 broadcastQueue 等,则执行对应的方法,我们如果啥都不写,则直接调用默认的队列。

    ->connection($event->connection ?? null)  
    ->pushOn($queue, $broadcastEvent);

这里包含了 QueueServiceProvider ,如果你还需要你的 Event 使用哪种 Queue 驱动,则可以在 Event 中明确定义。最后,我们看方法 pushOn

public function pushOn($queue, $job, $data = '');


// 不同的队列驱动,做法不一样,我们看默认的驱动是如何执行这个job,即:broadcastEvent
'default' => env('QUEUE_CONNECTION', 'sync'),

public function push($job, $data = '', $queue = null)  
    $queueJob = $this->resolveJob($this->createPayload($job, $queue, $data), $queue);  
    try {  
    } catch (Throwable $e) {  
        $this->handleException($queueJob, $e);  
    return 0;  

这里,先组装队列内容,然后在fire,其中关注的就是 createPayload 中的:

'job' => 'Illuminate\Queue\CallQueuedHandler@call',
'data' => [  
    'commandName' => $job,  
    'command' => $job,  

然后在 fire 函数中拿出来使用:

public function fire()  
    $payload = $this->payload();  
    [$class, $method] = JobName::parse($payload['job']);  
    ($this->instance = $this->resolve($class))->{$method}($this, $payload['data']);  

也就是调用 CallQueuedHandlercall 函数,最终我们聚焦到这个函数中:

public function dispatchNow($command, $handler = null)  
    $uses = class_uses_recursive($command);  
    if (in_array(InteractsWithQueue::class, $uses) &&  
        in_array(Queueable::class, $uses) &&  
        ! $command->job) {  
        $command->setJob(new SyncJob($this->container, json_encode([]), 'sync', 'sync'));  
    if ($handler || $handler = $this->getCommandHandler($command)) {  
        $callback = function ($command) use ($handler) {  
            $method = method_exists($handler, 'handle') ? 'handle' : '__invoke';  
            return $handler->{$method}($command);  
    } else {  
        $callback = function ($command) {  
            $method = method_exists($command, 'handle') ? 'handle' : '__invoke';  
            return $this->container->call([$command, $method]);  
    return $this->pipeline->send($command)->through($this->pipes)->then($callback);  

到达这里,分发Event事件,也快看到曙光了,更多的是执行 handle,也就是上文创建 JobBroadcastEvent 类中的 handle 方法:

public function handle(BroadcastingFactory $manager)  
    $name = method_exists($this->event, 'broadcastAs')  
            ? $this->event->broadcastAs() : get_class($this->event);  
    $channels = Arr::wrap($this->event->broadcastOn());  
    if (empty($channels)) {  
    $connections = method_exists($this->event, 'broadcastConnections')  
                        ? $this->event->broadcastConnections()  
                        : [null];  
    $payload = $this->getPayloadFromEvent($this->event);  
    foreach ($connections as $connection) {  
            $channels, $name, $payload  

这里可以看出,和我们事件写法有很多关联的地方了,如果事件设置广播名称,则使用设置的,如果没有,则使用类名,在上一篇文章的截图可见;获取 broadcastOn() 中定义的 channels 数组;还有一些定义的 Payload,Event事件是否通过多个 connections 来传播。

最后就是调用各个 broadcast传播出去。

至此,我们才正式进入各个自定义驱动的执行过程,如使用 Ably 驱动。

Ably 如何实现发布消息

public function broadcast($channels, $event, $payload = [])  
    try {  
        foreach ($this->formatChannels($channels) as $channel) {  
                $this->buildAblyMessage($event, $payload)  
    } catch (AblyException $e) {  
        throw new BroadcastException(  
            sprintf('Ably error: %s', $e->getMessage())  

在上一篇文章说了,如果是订阅 channel,记得需要加上public之类的前缀,主要是因为:

protected function formatChannels(array $channels)  
    return array_map(function ($channel) {  
        $channel = (string) $channel;  
        if (Str::startsWith($channel, ['private-', 'presence-'])) {  
            return str_starts_with($channel, 'private-')  
                ? Str::replaceFirst('private-', 'private:', $channel)  
                : Str::replaceFirst('presence-', 'presence:', $channel);  
        return 'public:'.$channel;  
    }, $channels);  

在 Laravel 结构化 Channel 名称了,然后构建符合 Ably 下发的数据内容,然后执行 publish 函数下发:

public function publish(...$args) {  
    $first = $args[0];  
    $params = [];  
    if ( is_string( $first ) ) { // eventName, data[, clientId][, extras]  
        $msg = new Message();  
        $msg->name = $first;  
        $msg->data = $args[1];  
        // TODO RSL1h: Remove clientId/extras extras support for 2.0  
        $argsn = count($args);  
        if ( $argsn == 3 ) {  
            if ( is_string($args[2]) )  
                $msg->clientId = $args[2];  
            else if ( is_array($args[2]) )  
                $msg->extras = $args[2];  
        } else if ( $argsn == 4 ) {  
            $msg->clientId = $args[2];  
            $msg->extras = $args[3];  
        $request_body = $this->__publish_request_body($msg);  
    } else {  
        $request_body = $this->__publish_request_body($first);  
        if ( count($args) > 1 ) {  
            $params = $args[1];  
    $url = $this->channelPath . '/messages';  
    if (!empty($params)) {  
        $url .= '?' . Stringifiable::buildQuery( $params );  
    $this->ably->post( $url, $headers = [], $request_body );  
    return true;  

具体的代码这里就不再继续解读下去了。今天主要是串一遍 BroadcastServiceProvider 源代码流程。

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