继上文,我们在 TranslationServiceProvider 中已经了解几个参数设置,通过参数和自定义本地化语言数组,我们就可以直接使用【本地化】。

这样的魔力,主要还是需要归功于 Translator 类。在看这个类源代码之前,我们还是需要提前了解,在实际使用时,是如何引入本地化的。


$collection = AIModel::paginate(20);

meta.links 数组里包裹着我们的分页本地化数组,具体代码可直接查看 LengthAwarePaginator,我们往下看__ 函数。

if (! function_exists('__')) {  
     * Translate the given message.     
     * @param  string|null  $key  
     * @param  array  $replace  
     * @param  string|null  $locale  
     * @return string|array|null  
    function __($key = null, $replace = [], $locale = null)  
        if (is_null($key)) {  
            return $key;  
        return trans($key, $replace, $locale);  

具体看 trans 函数:

if (! function_exists('trans')) {  
     * Translate the given message.     
     * @param  string|null  $key  
     * @param  array  $replace  
     * @param  string|null  $locale  
     * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Translation\Translator|string|array|null  
    function trans($key = null, $replace = [], $locale = null)  
        if (is_null($key)) {  
            return app('translator');  
        return app('translator')->get($key, $replace, $locale);  

好了,直接看到我们的 app('translator')->get($key, $replace, $locale);,整合成一行代码就是:



`app('translator')->get('pagination.previous', [], null);`

有了这条代码,我们真的就可以往下研究类 Translator 源代码了,最主要的就是其 get 函数。

 * Get the translation for the given key. 
 * @param  string  $key  
 * @param  array  $replace  
 * @param  string|null  $locale  
 * @param  bool  $fallback  
 * @return string|array  
public function get($key, array $replace = [], $locale = null, $fallback = true)  
    $locale = $locale ?: $this->locale;  
    // For JSON translations, there is only one file per locale, so we will simply load 
    // that file and then we will be ready to check the array for the key. These are 
    // only one level deep so we do not need to do any fancy searching through it.    
    $this->load('*', '*', $locale);  
    $line = $this->loaded['*']['*'][$locale][$key] ?? null;  
    // If we can't find a translation for the JSON key, we will attempt to translate it 
    // using the typical translation file. This way developers can always just use a 
    // helper such as __ instead of having to pick between trans or __ with views.    
    if (! isset($line)) {  
        [$namespace, $group, $item] = $this->parseKey($key);  
        // Here we will get the locale that should be used for the language line. If one  
        // was not passed, we will use the default locales which was given to us when
        // the translator was instantiated. Then, we can load the lines and return.        
        $locales = $fallback ? $this->localeArray($locale) : [$locale];  
        foreach ($locales as $locale) {  
            if (! is_null($line = $this->getLine(  
                $namespace, $group, $locale, $item, $replace  
            ))) {  
                return $line;  

函数的第一句就是获取使用的【本地化】配置,如果函数没有传入,则以 Provider 创建时的为主:

$locale = $app->getLocale();

即,在 config/app 配置的默认中文,备选英文。


$this->load('*', '*', $locale);


public function load($locale, $group, $namespace = null)  
    if ($group === '*' && $namespace === '*') {  
        return $this->loadJsonPaths($locale);  
    if (is_null($namespace) || $namespace === '*') {  
        return $this->loadPaths($this->paths, $locale, $group);  
    return $this->loadNamespaced($locale, $group, $namespace);  

先从 json 文件里载入我们的本地化内容,如果没有 json 文件,再从 loadNamespaced 调用。

return $this->loadJsonPaths($locale) 源代码,很好理解:

 * Load a locale from the given JSON file path. 
 * @param  string  $locale  
 * @return array  
 * @throws \RuntimeException  
protected function loadJsonPaths($locale)  
    return collect(array_merge($this->jsonPaths, $this->paths))  
        ->reduce(function ($output, $path) use ($locale) {  
            if ($this->files->exists($full = "{$path}/{$locale}.json")) {  
                $decoded = json_decode($this->files->get($full), true);  
                if (is_null($decoded) || json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) {  
                    throw new RuntimeException("Translation file [{$full}] contains an invalid JSON structure.");  
                $output = array_merge($output, $decoded);  
            return $output;  
        }, []);  

推荐,这个作为我们自己写代码时,可以直接引用,把 json 文件内容转为数组格式。代码通俗易懂。

由于,我们直接使用 pagination.php 数组代码形式,我们继续看源代码:

 * Load a locale from a given path. 
 * @param  array  $paths  
 * @param  string  $locale  
 * @param  string  $group  
 * @return array  
protected function loadPaths(array $paths, $locale, $group)  
    return collect($paths)  
        ->reduce(function ($output, $path) use ($locale, $group) {  
            if ($this->files->exists($full = "{$path}/{$locale}/{$group}.php")) {  
                $output = array_replace_recursive($output, $this->files->getRequire($full));  
            return $output;  
        }, []);  

这个和 json 文件的形式有的一拼,就是把 php 文件的数组读取出来就是。

到此,我们知道了如何读取本地化数组内容了,剩下的无非就是数组合并,看看默认 vendor 的初始代码中是否有默认值。


$line = $this->loaded['*']['*'][$locale][$key] ?? null;  
// If we can't find a translation for the JSON key, we will attempt to translate it  
// using the typical translation file. This way developers can always just use a  
// helper such as __ instead of having to pick between trans or __ with views.  
if (! isset($line)) {  
    [$namespace, $group, $item] = $this->parseKey($key);  
    // Here we will get the locale that should be used for the language line. If one  
    // was not passed, we will use the default locales which was given to us when    
    // the translator was instantiated. Then, we can load the lines and return.    
    $locales = $fallback ? $this->localeArray($locale) : [$locale];  
    foreach ($locales as $locale) {  
        if (! is_null($line = $this->getLine(  
            $namespace, $group, $locale, $item, $replace  
        ))) {  
            return $line;  


Translation 组件源代码的解读基本就这样了,总结一下:

  1. config/app 配置中设置需要的本地化语言和备选语言;
  2. lang 目录中写好对应的翻译内容,可以是json和php数组格式;
  3. 在需要的地方使用辅助函数调用:__trans,或者还有其他方式。

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